Amazon Timestream

Fast, scalable, serverless time series database

Amazon Timestream is a fast, scalable, and serverless time series database service for IoT and operational applications that makes it easy to store and analyze trillions of events per day up to 1,000 times faster and at as little as 1/10th the cost of relational databases. Amazon Timestream saves you time and cost in managing the lifecycle of time series data by keeping recent data in memory and moving historical data to a cost optimized storage tier based upon user defined policies. Amazon Timestream's purpose-built query engine lets you access and analyze recent and historical data together, without needing to specify explicitly in the query whether the data resides in the in-memory or cost-optimized tier. Amazon Timestream has built-in time series analytics functions, helping you identify trends and patterns in your data in near real-time. Amazon Timestream is serverless and automatically scales up or down to adjust capacity and performance, so you don't need to manage the underlying infrastructure, freeing you to focus on building your applications.

Introduction to Amazon Timestream


High performance at low cost

Amazon Timestream is designed to enable interactive and affordable real-time analytics, with up to 1,000 times faster query performance, and as little as 1/10th the cost of relational databases. With product features such as scheduled queries, multi-measure records, and data storage tiering, you can process, store, and analyze your time-series data at a fraction of the cost of existing time-series solutions. Amazon Timestream can help you derive faster and more affordable insights from your data so you can continue to make more data driven business decisions.

Serverless with auto-scaling

Amazon Timestream is serverless – there are no servers to manage and no capacity to provision, so you can focus on building your applications. Amazon Timestream gives you the scale to process trillions of events and millions of queries per day. As your application needs change, it automatically scales to adjust capacity.

Data lifecycle management

Amazon Timestream simplifies the complex process of data lifecycle management. It offers storage tiering, with a memory store for recent data and a magnetic store for historical data. Amazon Timestream automates the transfer of data from the memory store to the magnetic store based upon user configurable policies.

Simplified data access

With Amazon Timestream, you no longer need to use disparate tools to access recent and historical data. Amazon Timestream's purpose-built query engine transparently accesses and combines data across storage tiers without you having to specify the data location.

Purpose-built for time series

You can quickly analyze time series data using SQL, with built-in time series functions for smoothing, approximation, and interpolation. Amazon Timestream also supports advanced aggregates, window functions, and complex data types such as arrays and rows.

Always encrypted

Amazon Timestream ensures that your time series data is always encrypted, whether at rest or in transit. Amazon Timestream also enables you to specify an AWS KMS customer managed key (CMK) for encrypting data in the magnetic store.

Use cases

IoT applications

Amazon Timestream makes it possible for you to quickly analyze time series data generated by IoT applications using built-in analytic functions such as such as smoothing, approximation, and interpolation. For example, a smart home device manufacturer can use Amazon Timestream to collect motion or temperature data from the device sensors, interpolate to identify the time ranges without motion, and alert consumers to take actions such as turning down the heat to save energy.

IoT applications

DevOps applications

Amazon Timestream is ideal for DevOps solutions that monitor health and usage metrics and analyze data in real-time to improve performance and availability. For example, with Amazon Timestream, you can collect and analyze operational metrics such as CPU/memory utilization, network data, and IOPS to monitor health and optimize instance usage.

DevOps applications

Analytics applications

Amazon Timestream enables you to easily store and analyze data at scale. For example, with clickstream data, you can use Amazon Timestream to store and process the incoming and outgoing web traffic for your applications. Amazon Timestream also provides aggregate functions to analyze this data and get insights such as path-to-purchase and shopping cart abandonment rate.

Analytics applications



Autodesk is a global leader in software for architecture, engineering, construction, media and entertainment, and manufacturing industries.

"At Autodesk, we make software for people who make things. This includes everything from buildings, bridges, roads, cars, medical devices, and consumer electronics, to the movies and video games that we all know and love. We see that Amazon Timestream has the potential to help deliver new workflows by providing a cloud-hosted, scalable time-series database. We anticipate that this will improve product performance and reduce waste in manufacturing. The key differentiator that excites us is the promise that this value will come without adding a data management burden for the customers nor Autodesk."

Scott Reese, SVP of Manufacturing, Cloud, and Production Products – Autodesk.


PubNub's Realtime Communication Platform processes trillions of messages per month on behalf of thousands of customers and millions of end users.

"To effectively operate the PubNub platform, it is essential to monitor the enormous number of high-cardinality metrics that this traffic generates. As our traffic volumes and the number of tracked metrics have grown over time, the challenges of scaling our self-managed monitoring solution have grown as well, and it is prohibitively expensive for us to use a SaaS monitoring solution for this data. Amazon Timestream has helped address both of these needs perfectly. We've been working with AWS as a Timestream preview customer, providing feedback throughout the preview process. AWS has built an amazing product in Timestream, in part by incorporating PubNub's feedback. We truly appreciate the fully-managed and autoscaling aspects that we have come to expect of AWS services, and we're thrilled that we can use Grafana with Amazon Timestream to visualize our time-series data."

Dan Genzale, Director of Operations – PubNub


Trimble Inc., is a leading technology provider of productivity solutions for the construction, resources, geospatial, and transportation industries.

"Whenever possible, the Trimble Cloud Platform team tries to leverage AWS' managed service offerings. We are excited to now use Amazon Timestream as a serverless time series database supporting our IoT monitoring solution. Timestream is purpose-built for our IoT-generated time series data, and will allow us to reduce management overhead, improve performance, and reduce cost for our existing monitoring system."

David Kohler, Engineering Director – Trimble

Cake Software

Cake is a performance marketing software company that stores and analyzes billions of clickstream events.

"Previously, we used a DIY time series solution that was cumbersome to manage and was starting to fall over at scale. When we heard AWS was building a time series database service, Amazon Timestream, we signed up for the preview and started testing our workloads. We've worked very closely with the AWS service team, giving them feedback and data on our use case to help ensure Timestream really excels in production for the size and scale of time series data we're dealing with. And the result is phenomenal – a highly scalable and fully serverless database. It's the first time we've had a single solution for our time series data. We're looking forward to continuing our partnership with AWS and excited to see what's in store for Timestream."

Tyler Agee, Principal Architect – Cake Software

Read more customer case studies


Grafana Labs

Grafana is among the world's most popular visualization technologies, and empowers users to compose their own observability dashboards.

"We make it a priority to work with other technology leaders in building plugins that support our users' key goals. Amazon Timestream has great potential as a data source for IoT and time series data, and we are excited to see how the community leverages it."

Ryan McKinley, VP of Applications – Grafana Labs

Rackspace Technology

Since 1998, Rackspace Technology has delivered enterprise-class hosting, professional services, and managed public cloud for businesses of all sizes and kinds around the world, with its Fanatical Experience™ approach to serving customers as its cornerstone.

"At Rackspace we believe Amazon Timestream fills a longstanding need for a fully-managed service to capture time series data in a cloud native way. We've had several opportunities to work with Timestream, and we've observed the platform to be performant and easy to use with a developer experience that is familiar and consistent with other AWS services. Cloud Native and IoT are both core competencies for us, so we're very pleased to see that Timestream is 100% serverless, and that it has tight integration with AWS IoT Core rule actions to easily ingest data without any custom code. Organizations who have a use case to capture and process time series data should consider using Amazon Timestream as a scalable and reliable solution."

Eric Miller, Senior Director of Technical Strategy – Rackspace Technology


Seeq is an advanced analytics solution for process manufacturers that enables organizations to rapidly investigate and share insights from time series data in Amazon Web Services, historians, and IIoT platforms as well as contextual data in manufacturing and business systems.

"Seeq connectivity to Amazon Timestream will help process manufacturers tap advanced analytics for data-based decision making at a critical time in the industry. The need for innovation is tremendous so we appreciate our partnership with AWS to assist customers in unlocking the value in their data."

Michael Risse, Cofounder – Seeq


Slalom is a modern consulting firm focused on strategy, technology, and business transformation.

"Amazon Timestream's flexibility allows for easy integration of updates to always-evolving table schemas. With the basic time series functionality delivered by Amazon Timestream's querying language, statisticians can perform advanced analytics. The database adds great value to the products our teams can create for clients. Our engineering groups can easily enable dashboards for monitoring systems for DevOps teams, or perform advanced time series analytics work for our clients, all from one database."

Hassan Mahmood, Data and Analytics – Slalom

Tata Consultancy Services

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) helps automotive manufacturers monetize connected products, connected operations, and connected customers through its digital transformation capabilities, domain expertise, and partnerships with leading Cloud services providers including Amazon Web Services (AWS).

"By leveraging AWS' new Amazon Timestream database service, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) will be able to address a wide range of innovative applications in its customer's connected ecosystem."

- Babu Unnikrishnan, Unit CTO, Manufacturing & Utilities Business Group – TCS


TensorIoT is an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner delivering complete end-to-end products and solutions in IoT, data engineering, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

"At TensorIoT, we create custom IoT solutions that used to require unique ways to handle time series data for each project. With the release of Amazon Timestream, we can use data storage that was purposely built for time series data, giving TensorIoT an innovative tool to empower our customers. Having Amazon Timestream in the suite of AWS products allows for seamless integration, unmatched scalability, and easy storage and access for time series data. With TensorIoT's strong focus on ML and IoT spaces, Amazon Timestream has filled a critical place in our toolkit, standing as the go-to time series data storage for companies handling telemetry and IoT."

Duane Osburn, Principal Solutions Architect – TensorIoT


TrendMiner is Software AG's industrial analytics platform for Industry 4.0 operations that democratizes analytics by lowering the barrier of process and asset data analysis.

"Innovation is what thrills us. Our team is always looking to push the boundaries of self-service analytics. That's why we are now combining the strengths of Amazon Timestream and TrendMiner to help democratize analytics for time series data. Our team is excited to use Timestream in our upcoming projects with process industry customers."

Joan van de Wetering, Managing Director – TrendMiner

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